Wednesday, 4 July 2012

the weekend - point and shoot

linking up with Lou at sunny&scout for the weekend point and shoot prompt....
this is what happens when your little boy turns 9 and you head with two car loads of friends and sisters to the country to pick mandarins to celebrate.

point + shoot


  1. Aren't you a busy bee Mrs J?! Looks like they all had a wonderful time... maybe this is a birthday idea that I can steal from you; except no one in my family apart from me likes citrus! LOL So where is this splendid mandarin orchard?

    PS... the mandarin candles didn't go unnoticed either... you're soooo organised! ;) xx

    1. I really do know why you are my friend!!!!!! Yes the candles were very deliberate. LOL
      We went to Fords Farm near Wireman's Ferry

  2. that looks like a fun thing to do & those boys look like they're having a wonderful time!

  3. That looks like great fun. Great idea!
