Sunday, 29 July 2012

Are you an artist?

Am I an artist?

Prompted this week by Kat, I was challenged to answer this thought provoking question. Am I an artist? I immediately re-read what I had written a few months ago on the 'about me' page on this blog, it said I was many things but the word 'artist' did not appear. I then enlisted the help of my twenty three 5 year old talent scouts. Unequivocally they agreed, that indeed I was an artist ..... hope in their innocence! In all seriousness, before I could claim this title for myself I needed to formulate my own definition of what art is.

What is art?

After much thought, my self proclaimed definition of art, put simply is;

"Ones own intentional or emotive expression, a creation which occupies a space where a void previously existed. It may take any form. Art, if made with purpose or emotion is anything that was not there before, that did not exist prior to its making."

Art is a noun synonymous with creation. The world in which we dwell is the ultimate ‘work of art’, its maker our God, is the supreme creator.

I own my definition of art and can therefore, justify that my work is art. The art I make is ‘the photograph’. The tool I use to create my art is, ‘the camera’.

If art is a creation then the creator must be an artist.

I create images that previously did not exist. I purposefully fill the emptiness of memory cards each time I click the shutter. I start every shoot with the message on my camera that says, “no image”. My interpretation of this invitation is to replenish the memory card with new creations, new rectangle works of art. I am the creator of this art so I declare, “I am an artist”.

The art I make can not be bound by the expectations of others. I create for my own pleasure, finding immense satisfaction in the art making process. I do not set about to evoke emotion from an audience. If by chance a viewer encounters my art I would expect a response, simply because it exists. Responses in nature are subjective, thus the goal of pleasing all is unattainable. I like what I see and that is enough. How one fills a void is as unique and personal as someone's response to it.

Being an artist is an individual experience for each of us, the talents and skills we bring, the form we choose may differ but ultimately in my opinion, if it is created it is art, if you create you are an artist.

Are you an artist?



  1. Great philosophical approach to the question and quite simply, yes, you are an artist!
    I think that the 'idea' of art is somewhat elevated and therefore we all too soon believe that what we create 'isn't up there' on the same level. But in reality as you have said, if it is created and you created it... it is art therefore you must be an artist.

  2. But is everything that is created art??
    I think that purpose & emotion is a great inclusion in your definition, & I love what you've written about not being bound by the expectations of others...I'm wondering though, does creating a meal for my family every night make me an artist?

    1. only if it was your "own intentional or emotive expression"

  3. I love your point of view - if you create, you are an artist. Great description of a void that is filled. I'm glad you create for yourself. Keep that idea... it can be challenged as you grow and change and participate in the world with your art in new ways.
