Thursday, 31 October 2013

Gallery 28 - Celebrations

While I have no interest in celebrating Halloween (I live in Australia). I could not help but fall in love with these little guys in the USA last October. They were part of a display along the Balboa Waterfront.

52 Photos Project
Linking Up with Bella


  1. And that could just be fall! Australia doesn't have All Hallow's Eve? Samhain? Nothing? They are cheerful and I like the angle of the photograph with a bokeh background.

  2. Those are so cute! I like Halloween, but only the magical/mysterious/cute kind. No blood, guts, or gore for me, please.

  3. What a cute picture. Great capture. I didn't know that Halloween was an American thing. Never actually thought about it until I got so many more international friends. Oh well, still a great pic for the prompt.

  4. Great shot! I'm not a big fan of Hallowe'en either - but I do like autumn!
