Thursday, 29 September 2011

Along the Fence

I am suppose to be editing my new post for my next suburb, Redfern but I got distracted by another blog site called, 52 Photos Project so in an attempt to keep up in the world of blogging I am having a go at 'linking up' with another blog. I love fences, gates and paths and did not realise how big a selection I have of them. Enjoy a few of my recent 'fencings'.

Port Arthur August 2011
Government House- Hobart August 2011

Hobart- August 2011


  1. I absolutely love your fences! The first one in particular, the way the fence rises up from the blur. Really nice!

  2. Good one Max! Fences are very photogenic aren't they?

  3. These are spectacular - there is an feel here of sturdy peace, something more of our living. . .
