Exactly four years ago I was first inspired to photographically record '365 Reasons to be Grateful'. I completed the project with gusto and even went beyond 365. Of late, however, I know I have not been practising gratitude for all that God has provided me, thus am challenging myself to again complete a year of gratitude. I started the original project on 18th April 2009 and will mirror the same time period these four years later. It is a chance to revisit the original project and be thankful again for reasons then and now.
Thursday 18th April 2013
This is me - I am grateful God has given me life.
Friday 19th April 2013
Our open bedroom door policy- I love that our kids feel secure knowing they are welcome to flop on our bed at any time of day or night. This is Laura enjoying the autumn sun after a day inside at work.
Saturday 20th April 2013
Finally glad one of our children had tidied her room and brought this stack of holiday plates to the kitchen bench. (No names Laura)
Sunday 21st April 2013
My mum is the best at removing stubborn stains. These were a first wear football sock and uniform combination that came home less than white. They went straight off to mum's for cleaning and I was not disappointed.
Monday 22nd April 2013
I missed the cut off date for a postcard exchange... but was surprised that my lovely friend Leanne send my a postcard regardless. It was a bright little surprise the among the other dull mail.
Tuesday 23rd April 2013
Rachel and Lachie took Nick out today. They caught the River Cat to Darling Harbour to visit the 'Wildlife Zoo'. They had lunch before catching the Sydney Monorail to Haymarket where Nick bought not one but two flat caps. I am grateful that Lachie is a welcome addition to our life. He is a kind and thoughtful young man. He treats Rachel with the respect that she is due and delights in spending time with us all.
Wednesday 24th April 2013
Hard to believe that this athletic kid only learnt to swing himself last week. I think he has been too busy kicking balls to learn the skill. But he has and is not looking back. Nick and I went to the park this afternoon. I was grateful to enjoy the sunshine watching him enjoy the thrill of riding high and jumping off.